DUI & Drugs in Orlando
Strong Defense from an Orlando DUI Attorney
You can be convicted of
DUI even if you never touched a drink. Under Florida Statutes §316.193
(2012), the charge of driving under the influence applies in cases where
the individual was driving either with a blood-alcohol concentration of
.08 or more as determined by
breathalyzer or blood tests, or while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemical
substances or controlled substances, when affected to the extent that
the person's normal faculties are impaired. This includes drivers
who are using illegal street drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin
and ecstasy, as well as illegally obtained pharmaceutical drugs and even
medication for which the driver has a prescription but which causes impairment.
Proving allegations of drugged driving can be more difficult than in cases
of driving under the influence of alcohol. Whereas a police officer who
suspects that a driver is drunk can order the individual to subject to
chemical testing which will reveal whether the blood alcohol concentration
is at or above the legal limit, the drug tests are not generally as accurate.
Chemical tests of the blood or urine may reveal whether there are any
drugs in the blood stream, but it is usually not possible to determine
how much of the drug is there, nor whether the individual took the substance an
hour ago, a day ago or longer-detectable levels of many drugs can stay
in the system for days or even weeks.
Challenging Evidence of DUI with Drugs
These factors may come into play in your defense, but it may additionally
be necessary to refute the police officer's claims that you were visibly
impaired by drugs. Observations of conditions such as slurred speech,
lack of physical coordination and even bloodshot eyes will commonly serve
as evidence that the driver is impaired. We will aggressively cross-examine
any such testimony, such as by questioning whether intimidating behavior
from the police officer could have caused you to fail the field sobriety
tests. The
Orlando DUI Lawyers of Parks & Braxton, PA share over 50 years of combined experience,
and we are recognized by our peers in the legal profession for our skill
in DUI defense. Contact us now to learn more about strategies we can use
to fight for you!